SMTF är stakeholder i projektet CLean INland SHipping (CLINSH) som gått ut med en upphandling där man vänder sig till rederier som vill upplåta fartyg som testbed för olika tekniska lösningar för minskade koldioxidutsläpp.


Good news for operators who wish to help the inland shipping sector achieve greater sustainability! The tender process for the CLean INland SHipping (CLINSH) project, which will test various emissions-reducing technologies, has been extended.

The deadline for applications is now 12 noon on Monday 29 May 2017. The extension will allow operators more time in which to obtain quotes from the suppliers of clean technologies and to arrange finance where necessary.

Some aspects of the tender procedure have been simplified. It is now possible to request the necessary documentation by email ( and completed forms can be submitted to the same address. This is an additional facility; it is still possible to submit applications using the existing CTM Solution platform.
Further information can be found at together with a ‘FAQ’ section with answers to the most frequently asked questions about the project and tender.

Start of trials
The practical trials will involve thirty vessels selected by means of the European tender. The total project fleet will comprise two groups: a) 15 vessels which will be fitted (by the owner) with an emissions-reducing technology or adapted to run on an alternative fuel during the demonstration project. The technologies to be tested are SCR-DPF, Fuel Water Emulsion, hybrid installations, Liquefied Natural Gas and Gas to Liquid Fuel b) 15 vessels which already have an emissions-reducing technology fitted or which run on an alternative fuel.

The names of the vessels on which monitoring equipment is to be installed will be announced in July 2017. From September 2017, their emissions will be closely monitored for a period of one to two years. This will provide valuable information about both the environmental performance and the operating costs of the various technologies.

Tender for monitoring equipment
A second tender procedure, used to select providers to install the monitoring equipment and perform the initial reference (‘baseline’) measurements, opened on 27 March and will run parallel to the selection of the vessels on which that equipment will be installed.

CLINSH is a demonstration project intended to quantify the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of emissions-reducing technologies, including the use of alternative fuels, in the inland shipping sector. The project was officially launched on 1 September 2016 and is funded under the European Union’s LIFE programme. The total project value is in excess of €8.5 million, which the 17 participating partners will invest in research intended to enhance the sustainability of the inland shipping sector.
Requesting and submitting tender documents • Vessel owners and operators can register their interest in this project by sending an email to They will receive all necessary tender documents by email. • Completed forms can be submitted using the same email address. • All required information must be provided on the tender forms. If this is not the case, the documents may be excluded from further consideration. • Questions about the tender procedure can be directed to EICB, tel. +31(0)10 798 9830, email • Further information and FAQs can be found at