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Executive Meeting
17 januari, 2019, 09:00 - 17:00

Executive Meeting äger rum 17 januari, 2019 i Göteborg. Plats för eventet är Världskulturmuséet, Södra vägen 54. Registrering sker 08:30. Konferensen startar 09:00 och slutar vid 17:00. Middagen kommer att börja vid 19:00 på Royal Bachelors’ Club, Skyttegatan 1.
Tema, talare och program finner du nedan. Verkar det intressant? kontakta Eva Errestad för praktisk information kring registrering.
Theme: Managing Trade Disruptions
Trade tariffs, Brexit and sulphur cap on bunker fuel emissions
Confirmed speakers:
Chair: Richard Clayton, Chief Correspondent, Lloyd’s List
Lena Sellgren, Chief Economist, Business Sweden
Carlos G. Torres, Global Head of Physical, Bunker Holding
Carl-Johan Hagman, Director of Shipping, Stena Group
Rune Birkeland, CEO, G2Ocean
Yngve Johansson, Head Scandinavia, ONE – Ocean Network Express
Henrik Kristensen, Managing Director, APM Terminals Sweden
Pia Meling, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Massterly
Niklas Bengtsson, Consulting Director, Lloyd’s List Consulting
Christopher Pålsson, Head of Consulting, Lloyd’s List Consulting
Programme (subject to changes)
The impact of Brexit and increased trade tariffs on European and global trade
Trade disruptors such as Brexit, trade tariffs and other protectionist moves around the world redraws trade flows with direct implications on transports. Higher costs for some trade flows quite often lead to reduced volumes while they also have the potential to generate higher volumes on others. The speaker will present the expected direct and indirect effects of currently known or anticipated trade disruptors.
Novel supply chain solutions in a changing business environment
Geo-politics and trade disruptions changes the terms for both trade and transport. Consequently, leading shippers and logistics providers review the transport service solutions they use. As the competitive position of seafreight is changing, the entire supply chain structure is revised with impacts on the locations of transhipment hubs, distribution centres, warehousing and short haul solutions. What creative solutions would be desired to see from ship and port operators?
Meeting higher ship bunker fuel costs
The solutions at hand to comply with the 2020 regulations of sulphur emissions are well known and will ultimately raise the costs for trade. The uncertainty that still prevails relate to the price level and the spread between the different options.
Based on the most recent insight, what are the likely price levels and gaps ship operators should plan for in the coming years? What financial instruments do leading bunker providers have to manage risk and which are available to ship operators?
Trade and fleet outlook
How big is the risk for oversupply of tonnage in the main cargo carrying shipping sectors? Which of the trade relations and commodities will be most affected by Brexit, trade tariff changes and other disruptors?
Which are the long-term trends; scale of economy, containerization, energy sourcing …?
Positioning a diversified shipping business in the new world order
Stena’s shipping portfolio spans over offshore drilling, tankers, roro and ropax. How does Stena strategically adapt a business that is both global and local to the trade disruptors?
Short sea shipping and trade disruptions
G2Ocean, a joint venture of Gearbulk and Grieg Star, operates a fleet of ships that are tailor-made for forest industry products, steel and project cargoes. What strategic changes have they made to deal with the demand uncertainties that prevail? How big is the threat of containerization?
New business opportunities
Raised barriers to trade have negative impacts on the trade relations that are affected, but they also open up for new opportunities elsewhere. Come Brexit, ports in the UK will have to manage border controls, customs clearance and changed port volumes. Ports that are strategically located review their capacities and sharpen their go-to-market messaging. Where are the main hurdles? Which opportunities can be seen? How can new technology help?
Competitiveness of containerized transport
Much of the success of containerized liner transports can be attributed to the exploitation of economies of scale, expanding networks, high frequency, reduced lead times and efficiency improvements. The operative challenges have increased with higher costs for compliance with regulations such as fuel and ballast water management. Will these challenges mark the beginning of the end of the container success? What impacts do you see from Brexit and raised trade tariffs?
Container port efficiency – the key to success
Trade volumes stand the risk of falling due to increased barriers to trade. Costs are increasing for liner operators. What efficiency improvement potential can we see in port operations? What are the realistic outlooks for better infra-structure solutions, service performance, digitalization and automation?
Benefits from automation
Wilhelmsen and Kongsberg have established the world’s first autonomous shipping company; Massterly. The idea is to provide a complete value chain for autonomous ships, from design and development, to control systems, logistics services and vessel operations. Which are the benefits and what is the realistic scope for these solutions?
Without connectivity there is no digitalization
The demand for broadband connectivity solutions is mounting and is propelled by shipping companies’ shore-based applications. The need for improvements in operational performance is key for adopting new digital technologies. What needs to be done to adapt and meet the needs of the maritime industry?
Global shipbuilding market outlook to 2022
What will the fleet development look like? How quick is the penetration of new, compliant solutions? Five-year outlook for new ship ordering, deliveries, removals and fleets.