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Fast Serviceavgift mikro, <5 anställda, SEK 2 000 + moms 25%
Fast Serviceavgift, mini, 5 – 51 anställda, SEK 4 500 + moms 25%
Rörlig Serviceavgift, 51 – 149 anställda, SEK 90 per anställd + moms 25%.
Fast Serviceavgift, max, > 149 anställda, SEK 13 500 + moms 25%
2023 har vi lagt om våra faktureringsrutiner och fakturerar nu per kalenderår mot tidigare löpande 12-månaders period. Det betyder att en del medlemmar har fått avdrag för redan betald del av 2024 års serviceavgift.
För nya medlemmar gäller att man betalar hel serviceavgift vid medlemskap tom 05-31 och halv serviceavgift vid medlemskap som börjar 06-01.
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SMTF:s medlemmar
Vår medlemsportfölj är lika diversifierad som den bransch vi jobbar i och vi strävar efter att bredda den ytterligare – alltid med fokus på det maritima och det hållbara. Tryck på logotyperna nedan för att lära dig mer om varje medlem.

Alfa Laval Technologies AB
The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol. Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.

Amo Specialkabel
The first company in the Amokabel group was established in 1992. By focusing on technological development and modernization, we have organically managed to build a very profitable and successful company group. Our constant pursuit of growth has resulted in several new companies active in the manufacturing and distribution of cable. At the same time, we have invested in renewable energy; solar power, wind power and hydro power. Amokabel has today a total production area of 40 000m².
Webb: Amokabel

Emtunga Solutions AB
Apply Emtunga AB is the world-leading supplier of advanced steel modular facilities to the Oil & Gas industry. We have developed the modular section concept in an innovative way and introduced it in several industrial segments. BP, Statoil and Shell are amongst the companies that have chosen Emtunga Living Quarters.

Bassoe Technology
The company is offering concept and basic design, FEED and engineering services and mainly consist of experienced engineers with a long tradition of working with marine design and construction, as well as field work such as surveillance and project management.

Bergaflex AB
The Bergaflex brand is synonymous with exceptional quality and carefully considered designs for solar protection. Our high-tech products build on tradition and experience, and are made using some of the highest quality materials available. The Bergaflex system for sun and glare protection has been installed on a great number of ship bridges since the 1980s.
Bergaflex provides an excellent service to our clients. We offer high-quality products and short delivery times, and respond rapidly whenever our clients require our assistance.
Webb: Home (

Blueflow Energy Management AB
Blueflow offers an Energy Management Platform for the marine market. The company was founded in 2006 and has become one of the major supplier of Energy Management Solutions on all kind of ships. The system measures, presents and reports all fuel- and energy consumed. Powerful onboard presentation gives the crew full awareness of the energy situation, and the online servers instantly reports and analyze every single consumer.
Webb: Blueflow Energy Management AB – MRV is coming up – We are ready, are you?

Bureau Veritas
The Bureau Veritas Group is the largest classification and certification society worldwide. In the maritime field, its provides a large range of services: – Classification of ships and offshore units – Certification and issuance of statutory certificates on behalf of Government and Flag authorities – Technical assistance services and consulting – Information systems and services with its VeriSTAR familly software – Training facilities in the marine technical and regulatory field.

BWTS Marine Trading
BWTS startades 2023 och firman är agent i Sverige för Headway och deras Ballast water treatment system, BWTS Ocean Guard, samt även deras nya FGSS (Fuel Gas Supply system) för low flashpoint fuels, såsom metanol, ammoniak och LNG . BWTS är dessutom agent för Hansun Marine och deras produkter så som incineratorer, färskvatten generatorer, sewage anläggningar etcetera. Man är även agent för brittiska Solar Solves solskydds system för brygga och fönster ombord samt för tillverkare av fiberoptiska gyro för navigering

Cetasol AB
Cetasol is a Swedish startup that wants to challenge the marine commercial sector to take bold strides in a more sustainable direction. Their first innovation, the AI platform iHelm, helps captains and crew on small and medium-sized vessels save fuel and reduce emissions, without affecting passenger comfort, safety or their time-table. The iHelm includes a lightweight, easy-to-install sensor package and is then based on a flexible subscription to meet customer needs.

CG Drives & Automation Emotron
CG Drives & Automation has developed, manufactured and delivered efficient and reliable motor control equipment for over 40 years under the brand of Emotron. Since 2011 we form a part of CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd., a global pioneering leader in the management and application of electrical energy. At CG Drives & Automation we use our know-how to create technical solutions that fit your requirements, and our personal commitment to make them work in practice.

Chris-Marine AB
For more than five decades, Chris-Marine has designed, manufactured and sold engine maintenance equipment for 2- and 4-stroke diesel engines. Today, these precision tools and machines are world-renowned for being operator friendly and of high quality. Chris-Marine’s headquarters are situated in Malmö, Sweden, and the production facilities in Copenhagen, Hamburg and Malmö. Chris-Marine is a market leader that operates globally through sales and service teams, subsidiaries and sales representatives. Engine designers, engine builders, ship owners, power plant owners, service workshops and shipyards are our customers.

Consilium Marine AB
Consilium is one of the world’s leading suppliers of fire and gas detection, navigation and emission monitoring systems for ships, property, transportation and the oil & gas industry.
Webb: Contact us – find your nearest representative | Consilium Safety

COT- Clean Oil Tachnology AB
COT-Clean Oil Technology AB is a Swedish public limited company with operations in Ljungby, Sweden. At COT, we develop technology for the continuous purification of industrial oils. With the help of proprietary, unique technology, we reduce the water content in industrial oil and keep it at exceptionally low levels. This way, industrial oil consumption is reduced because clean oil lasts longer. Thanks to clean oil, you reduce the risk of downtime and the need for service and maintenance, contributing to reduced costs for you as a customer.

Cyclone Consulting – Cstider
Cstrider, a sustainable, autonomous and electrified transport system – we aim to modernize waterborne passenger transportation! Cstrider is highly flexible and can be customized for various applications fit for use in urban, as well as rural contexts. Cstrider can provide fast and efficient waterfront commuting.

Divine Robot AB
Turn Tech into Business Value
Divine Robot is a tech company founded in London in 2011 and today we offer innovative digital solutions for education, training and communication. We specialize in serious games and immersive technology to create interactive and engaging environments that enhance learning through realistic simulations and strong emotional experiences. Interactive training and communication tools based on case-based learning are used by our customers for e.g. risk training, quantity training or engaging sales and marketing communication. With extensive in-house expertise and a network of external specialists, we develop and deliver customer- and situation-specific solutions with the right business value and the right quality. We work closely with our customers and partners, which is why we primarily turn to companies and organizations with which we can build a long-term and business-like collaboration.

DNV Sweden AB
DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating in more than 100 countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable performance, sets industry standards, and inspires and invents solutions. Whether assessing a new ship design, qualifying technology for a floating wind farm, analysing sensor data from a gas pipeline or certifying a food company’s supply chain, DNV enables its customers and their stakeholders to manage technological and regulatory complexity with confidence.

Echandia Group AB is leading the development of maritime electrification, with zero-emission energy solutions for maritime and industrial applications. Echandia delivers heavy-duty battery and fuel-cell systems and proprietary, lightweight battery racks and system architecture for complex and demanding environments. Echandia is based in Stockholm Sweden.

eMarine Engineering Nordic AB
eMarine Engineering Nordic Ab is a Swedish Greentech company that improves existing ships’ energy efficiency. The company was established in 2015 and has optimized equipment on board passenger ships in the Baltic Sea, which has led to 40,000 tonnes of reduced CO2 emissions per year, by 2020. eMarine’s key competence is the employees’ work experience from shipping, combined with many years of experience from automation within Schneider Electric. Through development and curiosity, the company has created its own control systems for HVAC, Engine room ventilation, Pumps for propulsion systems, Various types of heat recovery, and battery backup system for redundancy during operation with only 1 diesel generator.

Emerson / Rosemount Tank Radar EMERSON
Emerson’s marine solutions are developed for harsh sea environment to ensure reliable, efficient and safe operation on board any type of ship and offshore unit. We work with integrated control and monitoring, cargo monitoring and tank gauging, valve remote control, fuel management.

Ernemarvikens Marincenter AB
We are a complete service and repair yard for Marine Commercial and Marine Leisure. Our focus is on good service and communications. We act as a hub and, regardless of the job, deliver high quality results. We organize and help out with different project assignments. We offer turnkey solutions. Storage, haul/launch, yearly maintenance and repairs. We perform many different types of repairs, service and maintenance on boats and engines regardless of material or brand. We provide repairs on short notice at other locations. We have a strong network of experienced suppliers and partners with high knowledge. We are an Authorized Repair Center and Dealer for Volvo Penta and Yanmar.

Falkvarv AB
Falkvarv AB, situated on the Swedish west coast between the strait of Öresund and Gothenburg, is a shipyard characterised by high technical expertise and solid long-term experience. The relatively moderate size of the shipyard with approximately 50 employees makes it possible to take fast decisions. A well-developed network of highly skilled sub-contractors and collaboration partners enables us to offer a high level of capacity at short notice. Falkvarv can undertake practically all shipyard work, including technically complicated commissions such as extensive engine rebuilding.

FireSeal AB
The company was founded over 40 years ago to carry out a mission from the Swedish Government – to develop a system for fire sealing Sweden’s nuclear power plants. Building on this pioneering work, FireSeal has developed a successful business in two sectors: marine and offshore in Asia and the U.S., as well as the construction sector, primarily in Sweden and Norway, where FireSeal is the market leader in soft fire sealing solutions. FireSeal is a part of Bergman & Beving.

FKAB Marine Design
FKAB is an independent Marine Engineering Company, mainly active in the Marine and Shipbuilding Industry. We work internationally with offices in both Sweden and China. What we offer is advanced and wide skills in design and project-handling for marine construction and other marine undertakings. Our offices in Sweden and China are strategically placed for delivery of a complete range of marine consultancy services.
Webb: FKAB Marine Design

Garmin Nordic Sweden AB
Vi tillverkar produkter som är utvecklade för alla som älskar det marina livet. Vi gör det för att våra kunder ska få ut mesta möjliga av den tid de ägnar åt sina passioner, för alla olika typer av båtåkare, vattensporter med mera. Vi har fler än 17 000 anställda på 80 kontor runt om i världen och levererar GPS-navigering och bärbar teknik till marknaden för marin, fordon, flyg, outdoor och fitness. Vi tror att varje dag är en möjlighet till förnyelse och nya upplevelser.

Gattulven AB
GATTULVEN offers help and support to marine companies and organisations when it comes to recruitment and personnel.

GESAB deliver complete heating and NOx reduction systems. Our product range includes Thermal Fluid Heater, Exhaust Gas Heater, SCR and Catamiser. We have production facilities in Sweden, Germany and China. GESAB is present worldwide with China, South Korea, Singapore, Croatia, Norway and USA as main markets.

Gustavsvik Utveckling AB
Our office-cum-test-site premises are located adjacent to the sizeable dry dock of Gustavsvik, in Mid Swedish surroundings abundant with natural beauty and resources rapidly turning the region into a hotbed for blue-green industrial investment and development. Vessels and associated equipment and infrastructure suitable for demonstration and testing activities of varying duration including necessary installations above and below bedrock land and navigable water are available at our secluded but readily accessible properties. We also take on assignments involving mechanical and electrical maintenance as well as light construction and small-series manufacturing.
Webb: Gustavsvik Utveckling AB

Gothia Marine AB
Gothia Marine erbjuder kvalificerade konstruktionstjänster för alla typer av fartyg. Det innefattar alltifrån förstudier och arrangemang till produktionsunderlag och vi löser allt från hela projekt till minsta justering. Vi arbetar med nybyggen, ombyggnader och reparationer åt redare, varv och andra företag inom den marina sektorn. Vi tar fram stabilitetshandlingar, genomför krängningsprov, utför maskin- och skrovkonstruktion och hanterar alla typer av klassnings- och myndighetsfrågor.

IKAROS – Hansson PyroTech
Hansson PyroTech is a company located in Sweden that produces, market and sell world class pyrotechnic distress signals for the commercial and leisure marine industry. All products are sold under the brand IKAROS. We offer the complete SOLAS range of pyrotechnics to a global network of distributors and retailers.
Webb: Ikaros – Swedish lifesaving products since 1888. (

ILME Nordic AB
ILME’s product portfolio consists of industrial connectors for the transmission of power, signal, communication and pneumatic systems for Marine, automation, machinery, trains, food & beverage, wind power, robotics and sound & light. ILME connectors are 3-216 poles and current rating up to 200 A. The solutions are also available for data transmission, RJ45, USB, bus and fiber optic connectors. We offer wide range of enclosures manufactured from of die cast aluminum and thermoplastic material, with special coatings for aggressive environments and/or high temperature applications, EMC protection and IP65, IP66, IP67, IP68 and IP69K versions.

IRIS Sweden AB
Improvement Reporting Information System Sweden AB, provider of the IRIS system & services. We adapt the system to you instead of the other way around. From IRIS you can always expect client-individual applications. You pick the functions you really need and attach them to our or your existing system.

JOWA has supplied the maritime industry with environmental protection equipment for more than 60 years and has earned a solid reputation. Our goal at JOWA is to continuously strive to manage and develop this goodwill. We are specialists in water treatment and protection of the marine environment. Our products are designed to contribute to the global ecology by protecting the marine environment with the latest and best technology. All our systems are of the highest quality, user friendly and easy to install and operate. JOWA cover all your needs for water handling onboard and overboard.
Webb: JOWA – High quality products made for marine and for our oceans!

Jumo Mät och reglerteknik AB
JUMO Mät- och Reglerteknik AB ingår i den internationella koncernen JUMO GmbH & Co. JUMO är en ledande aktör inom tillverkning och försäljning av produkter för mätning, registrering och reglering av temperatur, tryck, fuktighet och analys. Vi har funnits på den svenska marknaden i ca 30 år och sedan 1986 med ett eget dotterbolag i Helsingborg. Vårt produktprogram kan delas upp i följande områden; Analysteknik, tryck, termostater, regulatorer och temperaturgivare.
Webb: Din partner för sensor och automationslösningar (

Kockumation AB
Markets and designs high-quality niche products revolving around our core knowledge in software automation, acoustics and mechatronics. Kockumation Group markets and designs high-quality niche products revolving around our core knowledge in software automation, acoustics and mechatronics. The group focuses on meeting demanding needs in the world wide marine and industrial markets with a strong commitment to customer satisfaction.
Webb: Supplier of Marine and Industrial Applications – Kockumation

Kongsberg Maritime Sweden AB
Kongsberg Maritime is a world leader in marine technology. With an extensive portfolio of innovative and integrated products and solutions, Kongsberg Maritime delivers efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and environmental sustainability to enhance the business of its customers. Kongsberg Maritime is a subsidiary of KONGSBERG headquartered in Kongsberg, Norway, the company has manufacturing, sales, and service facilities in 34 countries. Kongsberg Maritime has a commitment in Sustainable Development Goals and for us, the oceans and marine resources are important. We therefore strive to develop products that helps to reduce emissions and damage to life below water. Our approach to product design maximizes performance by providing THE FULL PICTURE.
Webb: Kongsberg Maritime

KTH Centre for Naval architecture
KTH Centre for Naval architecture contextualises marine technology. Presently in thematic areas; Sailing ships, Seakeeping, Marine composite structures and Underwater technology. The latter strengthened by the KTH underwater centre SMARC. The interdisciplinary character of the field is met by cooperation with universities, companies and research organisations and is a key to our strong position in research and education. We offer an international master program in Naval Architecture, courses and thesis projects on PhD, MSc and BSc level.
Webb: Marina system | KTH

Liedholms Maskinteknik AB
We are specialized at advanced welding, pressure vessels, and machine construction. Liedholms offers subcontract work and run a mechanical workshop in Helsingborg since 1948. We are specialized at advanced welding, pressure vessels, and machine construction. We also offer professional project management, assembling, purchasing and certification. We are accustomed to both small local and big international customers and applications, and what we manufacture can be found worldwide in applications such as shipping, nuclear power plants and process industry.

Life Finder Systems International AB
Provides the future of saving lives.
Life Finders provides the future of saving lives. By using smart IoT solutions an automatic alarm from the person in emergency or danger will be activated with critical information such as position and status. Automated actions will make search and rescue much faster and more efficient. Sensors are extremely small and maintenance free and to be used with existing gear and equipment.

Lloyd’s Register EMEA
Providing independent assurance to companies operating high-risk, capital-intensive assets to enhance the safety of life, property and the environment. Lloyd’s Register provide independent assurance to companies operating high-risk, capital-intensive assets to enhance the safety of life, property and the environment. Today we are a diversified organisation with 240 offices worldwide, 7000 employees of 90 nationalities organised in four business sectors, Marine, Energy, Transportation & Management Systems (LRQA). You can trust us to make yours a safer, more productive and better performing business, as well as a greener one.

MacGregor Sweden AB
MacGregor is a leader in sustainable maritime cargo and load handling with a strong portfolio of products, services and solutions, all designed to perform with the sea. Shipbuilders, shipowners and operators are able to optimise the lifetime profitability, safety, reliability and environmental sustainability of their operations by working in close cooperation with MacGregor. MacGregor is part of Cargotec. Cargotec’s (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2020 totalled approximately EUR 3.3 billion and it employs around 11,500 people worldwide.

Majnabbe motor diesel service AB
Bolaget startades i Kungälv 1965 och har mer än 250 kunder i 40 länder. Företaget har 15 anställda och omsätter 70 miljoner kronor. Majnabbe Motor Diesel AB är specialiserade på reservdelar och service av 4-takts diesel- och gasmotorer.
Webb: Start – Majnabbe

Marinkraft Bemanning Sverige AB
Marinkraft – Sweden’s only recruitment firm specialised in maritime professionals! There is now a recruitment and staffing firm specialising in marine professions within both the shipping and leisure boat industries. We understand the industry’s needs and know just what various services in the industry entail. Today, the company’s specialist competence covers everything from vessel crews and sea-faring personnel to onshore professions, including marine technology services within engineering, management, sales and shipyard personnel.

Marinspect Safety & Rigging AB
Our services include life boats, crane inspections, rigging, test equipment and supplies. Not only lifeboats, but also cranes and lifting equipment, gangways, accommodation ladders, fall protection equipment etc. etc. Instead of having several companies for several types of equipment, Marinspect do it all.

Marlink AB

Mattssonföretagen i Uddevalla AB
The Mattsson Group consists of a number of engineering companies which can be categorized into four busienss areas, namely mechanics, paper machines, marine engineering and Real Estate. Flexibility, Quality & On-time delivery We offer complete project responsibility within our respective business areas and operate as a partner supplier to a number of large corporations, mainly in the export field. The group operates in a strictly decentralized manner and each subsidiary works independently within the frames of its business concept. To reach optimal solutions when we take on large commitments, several of the companies within the group cooperate when suitable. We find that our project-oriented way of operating is increasingly asked for on the market.

MCT Brattberg AB
Protect people and property through the design, development and manufacture of high-performance cable and pipe transits. MCT Brattberg endeavourers to protect people and property through the design, development and manufacture of high-performance cable and pipe transits. These are used in high-risk maritime, offshore and land-based environments to minimize danger by preventing the spread of fire, water, gas, chemicals and other hazards substances. Putting safety first lies at the heart of all MCT Brattberg business activities.

Meson AB
The Marine Industry is the main market for the Meson Group and has been so for more than 20 years. Over the years, Meson has become a leading provider, manufacturer and stock keeper of supreme quality valves and related flow control products and systems for the global Marine industry.Within Mesons global network, we will find the right solution for each vessel; from standardized spare parts to complex projects,such as SOx-Scrubber, Ballast Water Treatment systems and installations. Since 2010 Meson AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Indutrade AB, a Swedish public company.

METS Technology AB
METS Technology provides design, engineering, equipment and turn-key solutions for all kinds of onboard electrical systems. We are electromobility pioneers in the maritime industry with emphasize on providing electrification solutions including electric & hybrid drivelines, energy storage system and energy management, for new buildings and retrofits, to all sizes and types of ships. Our main solution areas are Electric & Hybrid drive lines, Energy Storage solutions, PTO / PTI systems, HV / LV Shore connections, Charging systems and Ships automation.

MVG Group AB
Motala Verkstad Group (MVG) är en verkstadskoncern med kärnkompetens för bearbetning, tillverkning, avancerad svetsning och kvalificerat montage av tunga och medeltunga industriella system och produkter. Motala Verkstad Group (MVG) består av: Motala Verkstad (Motala), Blue Future (Norra Verken, Kristinehamn), Blue Future (Jokkmokk), Sjölanders (Västerås) och Lidköpings Mekaniska (Lidköping). Alla har ett långt förflutet inom svensk industri och är idag ledande marknadsaktörer inom sina respektive områden.

Navtor Nautic AB
Nautic AB was founded in 1905 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Since the beginning, the company has been one of Scandinavia’s most known companies when it comes to Nautical equipment such as Charts and Publications. As an International Admiralty Chart Agent, Nautic carries an extensive array of maritime products. Worldwide charts and marine publications are always kept in stock, as are publications from IMO, ITU and other United Nations organisations. Nautical charts and publications in a digital format are in ever increasing demand. Nautic AB is well equipped to cater to all the needs of a vessel regarding the ENC chart format, digital publications and programs.

Nimbus Boats Sweden AB
Nimbus was originally founded in 1968 when the production of leisure powerboats under the brand Nimbus started. Since then, several brands have been added to the portfolio of what today is the Nimbus Group. That includes the brands Alukin, Aquador, Bella, Falcon, Flipper, Nimbus, and Paragon Yachts. Nimbus Group is one of the foremost and most respected boatbuilders in Europe. Many of the brands in the portfolio has for decades, been synonymous with well-built boats which, due to their high quality, have ensured that these brands has carved itself out with special reputation within the boating world. In terms of production, Nimbus Group represents a successful synthesis of advanced technology, modern production methods combined with traditional craftmanship from a team who has been working with us for many many years.
Webb: Nimbus Group

NjordX Group AB
With us, you will meet a group that delivers everything from individual products to complete system solutions and comprehensive offers in the shipping industry. We take full responsibility, from start to installation and commissioning. System delivery and total commitments. Worldwide. From sales of individual products to increasing commitments and solutions – we deliver this best together. Today, our operations are gathered with all the expertise within a group to offer delivery to our customers worldwide.
Webb: NjordX

Opsis AB
OPSIS AB is a globally present company that develops, manufactures and markets state-of-the-art, innovative systems for gas analysis and process control. Our goal is to provide our clients with a total monitoring solution, including reliable and cost-effective systems, regardless of applications. Systems are available for ambient air quality monitoring (AQM) and continuous emissions monitoring (CEM)/process control. Thousands of our systems are running worldwide. By focusing on our customers’ requirements and on continuous research and development, OPSIS continues to lead the way and set the standard in gas monitoring.

Oresund DryDocks AB
Oresund Dry Docks is one of the leading shipyards in Sweden. Our strategic location, in the heart of the Oresund, means shorter deviations for shipping companies operating the Baltic and Bothnian Sea and the North Sea. Our team of dedicated engineers possesses a high level of technical skills, combined with many years of experience. Our flexible team of specialists is always on hand to solve any problems with your vessel which may arise. More importantly, we will do it on time. Try our staff of flexible problem solvers and your ship will be back on track sooner than you expected. If necessary, we will work around the clock to keep you sailing. We also pride ourselves on our reputation of being extremely helpful and service minded.

Oresund Heavy Industries AB
Oresund Heavy Industries AB is the parent company of the subsidiary company Oresund Dry Docks AB. The group operates within the fields of ship repairs, maintenance and reconstruction through Oresund Dry Docks. During recent years, the group has experienced impressive growth. This is mainly due to the substantial investments we have made to meet the increasing demand for our services. Oresund Heavy Industries offers leading competencies within each area of operation, a continual increase in capacities and ideal location – strategically situated on the edge of the Oresund, one of the world’s busiest shipping routes.

QTAGG levererar system som minskar fartygens bränslekonsumtion och utsläpp av växthusgaser. Med vår självlärande EcoPilot produkt så kommer fartyget automatiskt fram i exakt rätt tid till lägsta kostnad, varje resa. Systemet använder sig av information från tidigare resor och väderprognoser för att genomföra varje resa på ett optimalt sätt. Systemet löser även SEEMP, EEXI och AER (CII) kraven tillsammans med rapportering till MRV.

RISE’s overall mission is to, in cooperation with academia, business and society, contribute to sustainable growth and strengthen competitiveness for Swedish companies. RISE drives the development of a strong Swedish institute sector. RISE is Sweden’s largest research institute with approximately 2 200 employees. RISE also owns 43 percent of the institute group Swerea. On September 1, 2017, SMTF became part of the Safety & Transport Division of Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE, which also co-finances operations.
Webb: Svensk forskning för hållbar tillväxt| RISE

SAAB Kockums AB
Since more than 90 per cent of global trade is carried by sea, securing operations in the maritime environment poses greater challenges than ever. With Saab as your partner you will have access to a large number of systems enabling higher security and more efficient operations. What is more, you will be able to draw upon our vast experience of systems integration.

Safetygruppen & Navigationsgruppen Sverige AB
Safetygruppen is a complete STCW course training center for the shipping and fishing industry and are certified by the Swedish Transport Agency. All activities with us at Safetygruppen are carefully quality assured and developed to deliver the best and most pedagogical education. Our training center, Stockholm Training Port, is based in Stockholm, Frihamnen but training is also provided in various locations throughout Sweden. Stockholm Training Port is centrally located with good communication, we have our own lifeboat, approved fire field on board and accommodation just a few minutes walk from us. Our instructors have solid experience from healthcare, shipping and firefighting.

SALTECH Consultants AB
Our skills encompass all aspects such as ship design and ship system design, technical specification and more. As experts in ship newbuildings and conversions SALTECH is involved in every stage from an early technical-economical feasibility study to building supervision. Our skills encompass all aspects as ship design and ship system design, technical specification, tender documents, maker/contractor suggestions, technical advice during negotiations, project management, design approval and building supervision. E.g., we are on-site at the shipyard handling client contact, providing technical support, supervising harbor tests and sea trials.

Efter många års arbete på storföretag inom marin och teknik ville vi skapa det företag vi själva hade velat möta som kund eller leverantör. Vi ville jobba med produkter vi själva tror på och fokusera vår tid på en god affär – för alla parter. Våra kunder och samarbetspartners ska kunna känna sig helt trygga med att vi uppfyller våra löften. Vi är ett litet familjeföretag med stort personligt engagemang och ett stort nätverk inom branschen. Vi har mycket god kompetens och lång erfarenhet av försäljning och service inom marin och teknik. Vi väljer att samarbeta med huvudmän som erbjuder premiumprodukter och vi vill påverka marknaden i en mer hållbar riktning.

Swedish company for ship design, sea cargo handling and logistics. ScandiNAOS AB is a Swedish ship design company based in Gothenburg. Our vision is to contribute to the development of efficient marine transport systems and to minimize the environmental and climate impact. This includes the design of the complete marine transport system, the cargo handling, the vessel design and particularly the fuel that is used. ScandiNAOS has for more than a decade been the world leading ship designer for introducing methanol as an alternative marine fuel. Methanol is a clean burning fuel that eliminates the SOx and PM emissions and drastically reduced the NOx emissions and is one of few alternatives that can contribute to a substantial reduction of the carbon footprint from shipping.

Scan Unit AB
Scandinavia’s leading provider of complete solutions in lifting and maintenance for industry and shipping. Our customers don’t have to have multiple suppliers – Scanunit offers the whole package.

Sea IT
Complete ICT Solutions for the merchant fleet. Digital integration and innovation, secure and future ready. A digital platform should be seen as an enabler for maritime business and used the right way IT will put your shipping company ahead of the competition. The system is reliable and close to 100% uptime is delivered during a normal lifetime span. Some of our great advantages is: quick installation onboard, under 30 hours per vessel. A zero visit target during system lifetime. Quick deployment of new functions tested and ready to go within a few days fleetwide. All is handled remotely and centrally managed. Reduced physical vessel visits for all related OT-equipment. Cyber Security is included in system and reports can be obtained any time to cater for inspections.

Sea Systems AB
Sea Systems AB was founded in 2013 and offer a range of quality marine electronics products required on ships, yachts and oil-rigs. The SEAS brand is a well-known trademark and sold through selected distributors all over the world. The product portfolio combines industry-leading technology with an intuitive robust design that is ideally suited to withstand the tough range of marine conditions.
All SEAS products are tested and certified to ensure excellent function and quality. Sea Systems AB is based in the South of Sweden close to Copenhagen and Kastrup Airport.

Seawave Venture
Seawave Venture AB is an investment firm that specializes in the maritime industry. In addition to offering senior advisory services, we provide expertise as board members and chairpersons. Our focus extends to investing in innovative tech companies within the maritime sector, aiming to foster growth and development in this crucial field. With a strategic approach and deep industry knowledge, Seawave Venture AB is committed to advancing maritime technology and sustainability.

For over 50 years, Sjösportskolan has been a leader in maritime education, offering courses for everyone, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Whether you’re interested in small boat handling, commercial vessel crew training, or earning advanced certifications, our courses provide the skills you need. Approved by the Swedish Transport Agency and the UK’s MCA, our academy meets high standards of safety and quality. With locations in Gothenburg, Stockholm, and other cities, our certified instructors ensure practical, hands-on learning across Sweden.
Webb: Sjösportskolan Swedish Maritime Academy

Swede Ship Marine AB
Swede Ship Marine has a long tradition in shipbuilding and one of the yards – Djupvik Shipyard – has been building ships since 1890’s. The group consist of three modern and highly specialized shipyards, Djupvik Shipyard, Swede Ship Composite and Swede Ship Yachtservice, all situated on the west coast of Sweden. We have our own in-house engineering department for design of new vessels and customization of existing. Djupvik Shipyard is specialized in aluminium and steel production, with a capacity of building vessels up to 40-50m. Swede Ship Composite builds vessels up to 50m in lengths, in composite materials. Swede Ship Yachtservice located in the port of Gothenburg is a repair and service yard specializing in maintenance of engines.
Webb: Swedeship

Svenska Bearing AB
Svenska Bearing was established 1980 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Headquarter in Cambados – Pontevedra – Spain since 2003. The company specializes in producing stern tubes and bearings, principal lines of business include manufacturing of: • Propeller shaft bearings • Bush in bush • Complete stern tubes with bearings • Closed Water Lubricated Stern Tube System • Thrust bearing segments • Axial bearing segments

SweServe AB
SweServ är en del av MMAB. Vi erbjuder service och reparation av medel- och högvarviga 4-taktsmotorer samt kringutrustning. Med vår erfarna fältservicepersonal hjälper vi er gärna ombord, lokalt och globalt. I vår fullutrustade verkstad i Kungälv erbjuder vi högkvalitativa komponentöverhalningar och bearbetningsuppdrag.
Webb: Sweserv – Engine Service

Svensk Båtutbildning
Swedish Marine Education works to increase safety and sustainability at sea by offering courses and coaching in navigation and maritime safety. We are committed to minimizing the impact on the environment, both on land and in the sea, by developing our own operations and by supporting organizations that put their full effort into the field.
Webb: Navigations & båtkurser med utbildningsgaranti! (

Trans-Auto AB
TRANS-AUTO AB was founded in Sweden in 1968 by the Trobeck family and purchased in 2014 by Axel Johnson International. TRANS-AUTO AB represent major brands in Off-Highway and Marine Segment, through Axel Johnson’s Driveline Solutions Group. Driveline Solutions provides complete driveline solutions, covering all aspects of the value chain from OEM supply and product design to installation, service, repair and spare parts for mobile, marine and industrial applications. TRANS-AUTO AB are the technical driveline partner that make sure customers can rely on their machines to meet expectations and stay fit for operation. We are solution providers, relying on close partnership with leading suppliers providing world class equipment.
Webb: Drivlinor för båtar och industri – Trans-Auto AB (

Trident BMC AB
Trident BMC was created as merge of Baltec Marine and Callenberg Technology comprising all divisions under Baltec Marine as well as the Energy Management Technology (EMT), Marine Conversions, HVAC Marine Newbuild and Spare part departments of Callenberg Technology. As a unified group we support marine and offshore customers worldwide through the whole lifecycle leveraging our broad range of competences and global presence. For ship owners and shipyards seeking integrated solutions, Trident BMC has experience with newbuilds and refurbishment within the following areas: Design & Engineering, Interior Outfitting, Environmental Services (EGCS, BWTS, SCR), Energy Management & Electrical Services, HVAC, Hull & Steel, Pipeline installation, Boiler Repairs, High Voltage Shore Connection.

Uddevalla Hamnterminal AB
Skilled staff, efficient handling, large storage areas and over 100 years experience of port operations. Welcome to Uddevalla Hamnterminal – A safe haven. Skilled staff, efficient handling, large storage areas and over 100 years experience of port operations – Welcome to Uddevalla Hamnterminal.
Webb: Uddevalla Hamnterminal (

Universal Power Nordic AB
We offer our global customers world-leading brands of high quality diesel engines for industrial and marine use. We provide original spare parts, world-class repair and service with customized solutions to meet to the customer’s needs.
Webb: Home – Universal Power

Volvo Penta
Is a world-leading supplier of power solutions for marine and industrial applications made to move people, business, and society. Volvo Penta aims to be the most forward thinking and customer focused supplier of sustainable power solutions. Volvo Penta provides engines, power solutions and services for leisure and commercial vessels, as well as for power generation and industrial off-road applications. In 2022, Volvo Penta had net sales of 18 billion SEK, approximately 2000 employees and presence in 130 countries. Volvo Penta is a part of Volvo Group, which is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Wärtsilä Sweden AB
Complete product portfolio within engine, generator, propeller, thrusters, shaft seals and shaft bearings. Wärtsilä is a global leader in smart technologies and complete lifecycle solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising sustainable innovation, total efficiency and data analytics, Wärtsilä maximises the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. In 2020, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.6 billion with approximately 18,000 employees. The company has operations in over 200 locations in more than 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

Manta Marine Technologies
Manta Marine is a global leader in maritime technology, offering cutting-edge solutions to help the shipping industry reduce its environmental footprint. We help fleets operate more efficiently while meeting regulatory compliance.
Webb: Manta Marine – Leading the Way in Green Shipping Technologies

Öckerö Maritime Center
Complete course and conference center for shipping and fishing. ÖMC is a complete STCW course and training center for shipping and the fishing industry. ÖMC is a nonprofit organization established in 1997 between industry organizations in the fisheries, shipping and Swedish sea rescue society SSRS.

Örn Marketing AB
We develop customized marketing plans and our team of experienced professionals offers a full range of specialized services with free consulting and discount services to meet your specific goals. We have been serving clients exclusively in the marine industry for over 50 years, so we understand your unique marketing needs. Press releases generate publicity. Publicity generates contacts. The personal sales work gets support. At the same time, the editors receive regular reminders of your company’s name, image, products and services. Next time the editors need some extra information, they might contact your company for a comment. You are also welcome to refer all ad sales personal to our office. We will ”filter” those journals not of interest for you and get back to you with the interesting offers.
Webb: Start – ÖRN (
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