Projektet EcoProdigi arrangerar den 20 november ett seminarium i Köpenhamn angående digital och ekoeffektiv sjöfart i Baltiska sjöregionen.
Några höjdpunkter från programmet:
- ECOPRODIGI project and its industry cases introduced
- Keynote: Shipping industry facing digitalisation and eco-efficiency challenge – how to succeed? By Lars Jensen, SeaIntelligence Consulting (read Jensen’s interview here)
- Panel discussion on digitalisation’s impact on ship design, production and operations (moderated by Jakob Buus Petersen, Vessel Performance Solutions)
- Keynote: Environmental regulations in the Baltic Sea – present and future perspectives. By Markus Helavuori, Professional Secretary, HELCOM
- Panel discussion on enablers and barriers for sustainable maritime industry (moderated by Poul Woodall, DFDS)
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